Halloween Party
UPDATE: $15 ONLY and bring a shareable dish!
Quick update on the Zelzah Shrine and LOH Halloween party. Again, the party is on Saturday October 26th at the Zelzah Shrine center. Start time is 5pm until ???. There was a bit of confusion on the entry fee. After discussion that fee has been revised to be $15.00 per person. Any who paid the $40.00 fee will receive an appropriate refund. The LOH is cohosting this event with Zelzah Shrine. We are asking LOH members to bring finger foods and other snacks to this event. So please plan to attend and bring the finger food or snacks of your choice. (Just a shameless plug but your adjutant always loves bacon themed snacks.) Costumes are welcome and there will be a BEST COSTUME CONTEST. There will be other fun games and Karaoke. THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL ZELZAH MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES, HONORED LADIES, AND GUESTS. Please bring your families, invite your friends, neighbors, Brother Masons and their families to attend this function this function. There is additional parking in the backlot. The code for the gate is 1980. You may RSVP and pay the entry fee by contacting the Zelzah Shrine Business Office during normal business hours: Monday – Thursday (9 am – 4 pm) and Friday (9 am – 3 pm).