Units & Clubs
Parade Units


Legion of Honor

Mini Cars

Social Clubs

Shooting Club

Ritual Divan

Van Drivers
Area Shrine Clubs
Boulder City
Shrine Club

Road Runner
Shrine Club
Boulder City
Shrine Club
Road Runner
Shrine Club
2nd Fridays
Director: Michael "Lugan" Burkintas
1st Wednesdays
Director: Chuck Coleman
3rd Sundays
Commander: Dennis Williams
Boulder City
Mini Cars
4th Thursday in B.C.
Road Captain: Dan Erikson
2nd Mondays
Commander: Malcome Singer
Meet on Call
CEO: Rick Pond
About the Chairmen
We are a Shriners group of Guys that are Wise, celebrating the all things Rat Pack. We’ve been known to enjoy a fine Cigar and libation from time to time.. We meet monthly for Dinner, Fellowship and Education. Our goal is to introduce Brother's and potential Brother's to the Shrine and Masonry, meanwhile having a great time and learning more Gentlemanly things like Haberdashery, Art of Shaving, Scotch, Bourbon and Port Tasting, Cigar Aficionado, and of course The Rat Pack. This is the Club meeting you look forward to every Month.
As Called
President: Troy Schneiderman
Meet as Announced
Raban of the Clan: Fred Boyd
About the Hillbillies
The Grand and Glorious Order of the hillbilly degree originated as a sideline degree for Shriners to be a fund raising tool for fundraising for the Shriners Hospitals for Children and to be a fun way of doing it! The Cuzzins of Clan #47 support the Zelzah Transportation Fund that helps send local patients to the nearest Shriners Hospital for Children Location. The Clan offers degrees for "Pappa's" and "Momma's" so that Zelzah wives can participate in the fun too!
"Honor the Cob!"
As Called
Director: Jake Lewis &
Ritual Potentate: Bruce Nelson
The Ritual Divan is the team of Nobles that perform the ceremonies for our new candidates.
"Cold Sands" are held as needed to welcome our newest Nobles and present them the distinguished badge of a Shriner, the Fez.
An Annual "Arch Degree" is held to complete the formal induction of new members with a public ceremony with the primary goal of educating new members and their families.
Head Driver: Alan Wise
The Van Drivers transport local children to our nearest Shriners Children's Clinic in Pasadena, California. They are highly dedicated Shriners who, in teams of two, transport the precious cargo to fulfill our greatest mission.
Boulder City
Shrine Club
4th Thursdays at B.C. Temple
President: Jim Giannossa
Shrine Club for Boulder City area.
Meets at the Boulder City Masonic Temple.
Shrine Club
1st Tuesdays at Henderson Temple
President: Brian Green
The Henderson Shrine Club is a Masonic brotherhood of men committed to family, engaged in ongoing personal growth, and dedicated to providing care for children and families in need. We promote fun and fellowship among our members while contributing to the cause of Shriners Hospitals for Children.
We meet the first Tuesday of the month at the Skyline Hotel and Casino 1741 N Boulder Hwy, Henderson, NV, 89011. Lunch/social hour from 11-12, meeting at 12.
Road Runner
Shrine Club
4th Sundays
President: Casey Case
Shrine Club for Laughlin area.
Shrine Club
1st Wednesdays at Pahrump Temple
President: Frank Heyer
Shrine Club for Pahrump area.
Meets at the Pahrump Masonic Temple.